How to build and
grow U-greeny?


Florist and gardener Joanna Kuttner owns her own flower shop Stilsicher in Kirchdorf an der Krems.
She has put together a range of planting tips especially for U-greeny balcony gardeners.

Version 1:
Middle Greeny

Fill plant boxes with plant substrate,
per box 20l soil and 200g natural fertilizer.

Box below:
On the right side a low growing tomato
Put shrub basil to the left of it.

Box (upper Box):
Place a courgette plant in the middle in front and behind
Put a paprika or chili plant in the middle in front.
Put a pepper or chili plant in the middle in the back.
On the left side, plant a hanging mint or rosemary.

Top (topbox):
4 - 6 different herbs

Version 2:
Big Greeny

Fill plant boxes with plant substrate,
per box 20l soil and 200g natural fertilizer.

Box bottom left:
Place a tomato on the left in the wide opening with trellis,
a rosemary or thyme would still be possible in the longitudinal opening.

Box bottom right:
Also put a tomato with trellis,
a rosemary or thyme would still be possible in the longitudinal opening.

Box (upper box):
Put a zucchini plant on the long side and
opposite a snake cucumber or mini snack cucumber.

Top (topbox):
2 herbs and 4 cut lettuce or lettuce

Version 3:
Big Greeny

Fill plant boxes with plant substrate,
per box 20l soil and 200g natural fertilizer.

Box bottom left:
Place a tomato in the middle, left basil outside
or other herb possible.

Box bottom right:
Front long side put a paprika or chili plant
and behind a cucumber incl. trellis.

Box (upper box):
A zucchini in the front and a zucchini
or eggplant diagonally opposite.

Top (topbox):
4 - 6 different herbs, salads or cabbages